Archives from 2000 – 2005

This page contains archives of our website dating back from 2000 to 2005. If you need to look at more recent dated archives, please navigate the Archive menu at the top of this window.

Summer Fair 2001

The Summer Fair was on June 30th 2001.
One item which became overbooked was the tour of the tower. An extra tour had to be fitted into the schedule and the photo below shows one of our Churchwardens in unfamiliar attire demonstrating the bell pulls. The photo beside it shows the Bouncy Castle in full flow.

Harvest Supper 2001

The 2001 Harvest Supper held in the hall on September 29th was a great success with almost 100 parishioners and friends in attendance. The picture, right, shows the refreshment tables being ‘attacked’. There was ample food for everyone.

During the supper a short preview was given of the forthcoming Parish Show – “100 Years of Song”. The photos show some of the cast members tucking in before the performance. The show took place on 9th and 10th November and included selections from Disney Dazzle, The Good Old Days and Jesus Christ Superstar. There was also a melodrama on which no expense has been spent (or should that be spared?)

The Show 2001

St Paul’s hosted a concert celebrating 100 Years of Song during November. A large cast drawn from the choir and friends entertained audiences on two nights after many weeks of rehearsals. The director, David Cotier, ably assisted by musical director Kevin Drury and accompanist John Clisset, put together a comprehensive list of songs covering the whole of the 20th century. Many hours of sewing were completed by Julie Corner to produce well over 50 costumes. The items ranged from full chorus numbers to solos and also included a children’s Disney Dazzle. The photo below left shows a scene from this number.

As a break from the musical elements a short melodrama was presented. With the show taking place on Remembrance weekend the finale featured a rendition of There’ll always be an England with poppy petals falling on the singers courtesy of an ingenious set up by Geoff Corner as stage manager. The photo below right is from the Abba-mania number.